Get back to moving like your ancestors.
About Sebastian
Back in 2014, I had a compound tibia and fibula fracture that took me out of a 15-year long career in football for almost 2 years. Shortly after getting back into football, I started experiencing injuries that never occurred prior to 2014 and were very frustrating to manage. This is when I started to search for answers as to why I was experiencing this pain so that I could get to the root cause of what was occurring. I found different rehab coaches, strength and conditioning training, and physiotherapists, both online and in-person, who said they would guide me back to playing without pain. However, the results would only last a short period of time before I was straight back to where I started.
I then found Functional Patterns in 2016 and immediately noticed the unique knowledge and perspectives the company had surrounding human movement and biomechanics. This inspired me to jump straight in and try the 10-week online course. It was through this course that I realized I hadn’t been addressing the root source of my injuries. From the beginning of this FP training, I was feeling immediate relief from my pain and was able to get back into playing football. I then decided to sign up for the human foundation’s course in New Zealand which kickstarted my journey into FP and I haven’t looked back.
Fast forward to today, I can now play football and participate in other sports like Jiu-Jitsu and Muay Thai without pain and have increased my strength, muscle mass (+12kg), and endurance to a level I didn’t think I was able to get to. It is because of this that I want to share this information with not only those that want to live pain-free but also those who want to train better and smarter for optimal performance.
About Chris
After finishing high school in 2006, I began my journey in the health and fitness space as a personal trainer. After working in Crossfit gyms in Sydney, I decided to move over to the UK where I would become a resident trainer at The Bulgari Hotel, London. This allowed me to travel to places such as the Maldives, St Vincent and the Grenadines, and New York City, both with my clients and brands like Nike and Equinox. It was through these experiences where I began to question what I was achieving, or rather, what I was not achieving. Despite working with some of the most successful people in the world and attending the alleged ‘best’ courses a trainer could attend, I would always hit a dead-end in my clients’ training.
There came a point in my career where I could no longer pretend I was actually making a difference. I quit my job as a PT and after spending some time online in 2016, I came across Naudi and Functional Patterns on YouTube. From the beginning, Naudi’s alternative way of thinking and moving provided a path that I wanted to explore further.
After being hit by a car whilst on my bicycle in 2017, I suffered an open fracture to my right hip as well as other significant injuries. Because of this, I made an oath to myself - it was Functional Patterns or nothing.
From that point in my life until now, I have stayed true to my promise and have continued on the FP path. Now, at almost 35 years old, it has led me to a place where I am both physically and mentally resilient; more than I’ve ever been before.
By working consistently with Sebastian Coello (HBS3) after returning to Sydney in 2019, I have been able rebuild my body. I have had an increase in my muscle mass by 10kg, my running gait has improved greatly and I no longer suffer from neck, back, hip and knee pain. I am also leaner and stronger than I’ve ever been before.
I have completed the FP Human Foundations course and plan on becoming a HBS trainer. I have just moved from Sydney to the Sunshine Coast, Queensland in order to live in an environment that supports optimal human health. My ultimate goal when working with clients is to pass on relevant and results-based information so that they too can live to their fullest potential.